Tuesday, June 14, 2011

bMobile iPhone 4 for $4200 TT

So if apple is selling the iPhone 4 16GB unlocked for $649 USD then we should expect the local price to be somewhere around $4200. Much more than that would be to much.

How much are you willing to pay for an iPhone 4?


maggas10 said...

$0.00, I am all about the freeness

maggas10 said...

When I say freeness I mean like the packages say tmobile have : Free for $45 a month etc... so if it is I on contract with bmoblie and lets say itis for 1 yr, then I get the fone free and py de $350 a month for the internet packages they have.. and well now they have the hotdpots does that go for the iphone as well.... and I mean I talking about this phone, which I dont really want because i want the http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxys/ yes the galaxy s 2... :)

jay_jagassar said...

hey guys check out this tech site. It rel dre1!! www.mytechsngadgets.blogspot.com