Episode 1 of out caribbean podcast
get it here
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Free SMS
so you guys remember korikie sms, or probably sms williams well either way there is a similar service available now via:
i not sure how long this is gonna stay available especially if some fool use it to send like threatening texts to ppl, like what happened last time, so we go see.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Google improves search AGAIN!
bMobile iPhone 4 for $4200 TT
So if apple is selling the iPhone 4 16GB unlocked for $649 USD then we should expect the local price to be somewhere around $4200. Much more than that would be to much.
How much are you willing to pay for an iPhone 4?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Bmobile ups their game, Makes a believer out of me.
I have been ragging on bmobile for some time about how their 4G is not real 4G (and it still isn't) but when you look at the other player in our (TNT) mobile space what is the other player doing to make us look at them? Answer NOTHING.
Digicel is not making any moves, their spending enormous money on promotion to promote a product that is falling way behind bmobile. I am no bmobile lover but i must choose a network, and right now if i want the best phones with the best network with the best services IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (cause around the world our services are still bogus) i must choose bmobile.

I saw today that they bringing the iphone 4, now i am not gonna buy one but at least they doing things, at least they trying, and i tell you if bmobile gets the iphone and digicel does not then boy we can start digging the grave of digicel now cause trini love "flams ting" and all dem blackberries gonna start looking real dated when iphones start walking round.
so hats off to bmobile, there is a lot that they can do better but at least they are doing, can't say the same for digicel the smaller worst network.
Monday, June 6, 2011
IPv6 Test
is your browser ipv6 ready, check out google's ipv6 test page, http://ipv6test.google.com/
remember World IPv6 Day is June 8
Google, Facebook and others will be testing their websites on IPv6 so get ready for the future :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
bMobile calling my hotspot "4G" is like me calling my yaris a sports car.
So yesterday T-Mobile in the USA announced that its "4G" network would be doubling its max expected speeds to 42Mbps, and please not that this is not a true 4G technology but an extension of a 3G technology called HSPA Plus (HSPA being a 3G technology).
So once again bMobile you need to stop calling your 2Mbps "4G" until you have something that remotely compares to others.
I know i harping on bMobile with this but they need to get with the program and stop treating us like that company that sells us crappy phones as if their the best thing out and just cause we eh know better we buy them up, oh wait thats bMobile to. Sigh.
full t-mobile story
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Real Original Marketing bmobile......NOT

So bmobile come in de papers today with de 4G again talking about Own The Air, if you does watch ah lil cable and dat sound familiar doh worry you eh going crazy is ah straight rip off of Verizon's Rule The Air.

Also i'll like to point out that while bmobile biting de ppl slogan, they not providing nearly the same service.
bmobile's "4G" is maxing out at 2Mbps while on Verizon's network you'll be crusing at about 15Mbps downstream, which could go up to 21Mbps. Verizon's 4G is not even what was intended to be 4G, but at least its a big improvement over 3G. Is bmobile's "4G" an improvement over 3G? well Verizon's 3G maxed out at 1.4 Mbps and bmobile which never had 3G available, is bringing 4G that gonna max out at 2Mbps? MADNESS.
The only saving grace for bmobile is that their "competition" digicel eh doing crap, so much for competition providing better services to consumers.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
don't be fooled by "4G"
2G 3G 4G what are we talking about?
1st there was tdma analog 1G
2nd there was digital GSM/EDGE/GPRS 2G
3rd there was UMTS and HSPA 3G
4th there is LTE and WiMax 4G
So the "G" that is used by the media in promotional literature like bmobile's new "My Hotspot", simply refers to the generation of the technology that is being used, so in bmobile's case 4G refers to the WiMax being used to deliver service, not the speed being delivered.
bmobile is suggesting that its "4G" network is faster than "2G" or even "3G" but this is not saying much, my information is that the "4G" speeds that bmobile is talking about here is up to 2Mbps, which may be faster than all "2G" networks but definitely not faster than all "3G" networks eg: HSPA that can get up to 14Mbps.
The "G" does not guarantee a lower limit of speed of service, i could be using WiMax and be getting the same or even lower speeds than i am getting on EDGE. The "G" is just an indication of the POSSIBLE speeds available not the actual speeds. So when bmobile says that "our 4G is faster than 2G and 3G" its really meaningless, its like saying i am higher than you because my ladder is longer than yours.
I welcome the G's that bmobile is trying to deliver, especially since digicel the "competition" ain't even talking about anything resembling high speed data, so big up bmobile for stepping into the modern world i hope they continue.
What we have to do is let the marketers talk their talk, and when we go to buy, make them out ask the clerk so is this "4G" the same is 22Mbps LTE in Chicago or New York? If you konw ah big person working bmobile make dem out at ur next shindig. If you know digicel ppl then ask dem WHAT DE HELL GOING ON :)
kroikie out.
Bmobile Hotspot Pricing
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
"4G" in TNT?

bmobile introduces "my hotspot" a supposed 4G wireless hotspot.
"Connect iPads/Tablets, Androids, Smartphones, Laptops - any WiFi capable device, up to five at the same time, and experience 4G wireless functionality just about anywhere."
this kind of ghost speak does get me vex, first of all WHAT IS 4G? they have in the ad "4G speeds" what does that mean 1Mbps? 2Mbps? whats the pricing on this, is it unlimited or is there a data cap?
come on bmobile be a bit clearer with your adverts please.
also the fact that this is a wimax hotspot scares me, the major phone manufactures (including blackberry) are not interested in making wimax phones. does this mean that we will be stuck on EDGE on our mobile phones? what is going on here?
kroikie out.
Monday, March 21, 2011
TNT Tech Podcast Episode 1 "b un mobile"
This is my pilot of the TNT Tech Podcast, its not much but its a start look out for more.
Feel free to comment.
Feel free to comment.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
i'm back
hey ppl,
missed me, jr here so i took some time away from this blog (i was sticking) but now i feel the need to spill again so, look out for my tech vomit coming out to you soon.
missed me, jr here so i took some time away from this blog (i was sticking) but now i feel the need to spill again so, look out for my tech vomit coming out to you soon.
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